Athlete – Herbal Supplement

Herbal supplements attract to the athletes because of their potential for improving sports performance through its ergogenic benefit and offsetting the harmful effect of rigorous training.

Proper Nutrition is very important for athletes performance by reducing fatigue, diseases and injury. Here is the usefulness of Macro and Micro Nutrients required to athletes.

Macro Nutrients : Protein, Carbohydrates and fats are essential food for physical activities of athletes.

Protein : It is helpful to repair and build muscles.

Carbohydrates : It is a most important fuel because it provide glucose used as energy. Glucose is stored as glycogen in muscles and liver.

Fats : Fats are used to absorb (fat soluble) Vitamins A, D, E & K for the protection of vital organs.

Micro-nutrients : Many Minerals and Vitamins are necessary for good health. Athlete needs particularly calcium, Iron and Vitamin D as essential micro-nutrients.

Calcium : For Bone Strength, normal enzyme activity and muscle contraction.

Iron : Needed for oxygen delivery to body tissues

Vitamin D – Necessary for absorption and regulation of calcium.

The most of all necessary nutrients are available in a single herb that is “Moringa Leaf Powder”.

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