Bhuiamla (Phyllanthus niruri) is highly effective folk medicine for the treatment of Kidney stones and gall-blader stones. And, hence, it is commonly known as “Chanka-piedra” (Stone-breaker).

In addition various pharmacological activities observed in it such as Anti-microbial, Anti-viral, hepetoprotective, anti-oxidants, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-plasmodial and diuretic.

This magical herb has various different names in various Indian languages such as –

Hindi – Bhuiamla, Bhumi Amla
Botanical Name – Phyllanthus niruri
Kannada – Kirunelli, Nela-Nelli
Tamil – Arunelli, Keela-Nelli
Malayalam – Arinelli, Kizhanelli, Neli-puli
Telugu – Nela-usiri, Ratsavusirike

As per phytochemical studies various chemical compounds found in it such as lignans, phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, flavonoids, glycosinoids, tannins, ellagitannins, triterpenes, phenyl propanoids, steroids, ricinolic acid, niruriside and phyltetralin.

So, other than Chanka-piedra, it is Antiviral, Anti-asthmatic and highly effective for upper respiratory tract problems and alleviates cough, reduces mucus/phlegm, relieves bronchitis and asthma.

As we all knows Corona virus is a virus which causes infection in nose, sinuses, upper throat etc. This disease is caused by SARS. Cov-2 that can trigger respiratory tract infections which may lead to pneumonia, respiratory failure, runny nose, sneezing, sore throuat, Mucus/phlegm, septic shock and death. And, it is learnt that renowned Ayurved Expert of South India advised to use Bhui Amla for preliminary cure and treatment of various symptoms of Corona Virus.

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