IMMUNE SYSTEM OF BODY : immunity Booster Herbs

Our body continuously fights with foreign pathogens that is known as Immune system. This provides defense from various bacterias, viruses, fungus and other pathogens. These bacterias enters through body’s open organs such as mouth, nose, wounds such as eating of unhygienic food, inhaling foul air, improper care of wounds and so on. After entering they grow and multiply and causes various diseases such as common cold, infections, malaria and other viral diseases.

We should be grateful to our internal defense system, which fights against these foreign pathogens, bacterias, viruses which is known as Immune system.

Immune system consists of network between organs, tissues and cells. It’s function is to identify, weaken and dispose all intruders and remember them, in case of repeated attack.

When pathogens enters our body, some elements of immune system engulf, weaken or destroy same or all pathogens. Other elements produce specialized proteins (antibodies) which wipe out all those organisms and harmful substances.

There are many natural herbs available in the market as Immunity Booster. They are available in powder form and as extract capsules, such as :-

Powder – Giloy, Kalmegh (Chirayata), Neem Leaf, Punarnava, Amla, Tulsi, Paneer Doda.

Extract Capsules – Andrographis Paniculata / Echinacea angustifolia / Green Tea / Noni / Neem / Amla

It is always better to use them in the combination of 3 to 5 different herbs, because single herb alone is not so effective.

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