Shatavari Extract Capsules (Asparagus Racemosus)

Original price was: ₹649.00.Current price is: ₹249.00.

Shatavari is very good herb for healthy energy level and body strength.  It is helpful for male and female’s sexual problems and supports male reproductive system.  This boosts body immune system and enhance level of white blood cell counts.  It is extensively used as a Galactogogue – which enhances breast milk production.  It has Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties.  Also, effectively being used to treat Diarrhea, Ulcers and Kidney Stones.  It contains strong Anti-depressant.  This is one of the best Anti-aging herb.

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Benefits Shatavari Extract Capsules :

Doses : Take One Capsule twice a day with meals or as directed by the Physician.

Other name : Shatavari Extract, Shatavari Capsules, Asparagus racemosus Extact, Asparagus racemosus Capsules, Sitawar jad safed, Satavari, Satavar, Satmuli, Shatamuli, Asvel, Shatavari Mool, Shatmuli, Satawar, Shatavari, Satawri, Shatabri, Sathavari, Satawar,  Sathavar, Sataver, Kishk Almaaz, Hashqeeqal, Wilder Indischer Spargel, Indischer Spargel, Shatmuli, Abhiru,  Satavary, Asparagus, Sparrow Grass, Sarnai, Challagadda, Satamulike, Satavery, Sataviri, Sataveri

Other Keywords : Herbal Capsules for body strength, Herbal Capsules for reproductive system, Herbal Capsules for boost immune system, Herbal Capsules for PMS system, Herbal Capsules for  increasing breast milk

Weight 100 g


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